Saturday, November 24, 2007

Cause of Recent Bad Mood Discovered

Well, it turns out that sipping sweet tea (caffeinated) from fast-food establishments from early morning until late night is not good for the mental health.

The amount of tea had sort of crept up on me. I did know that I was buying it by the gallon.

It took a doctor to tell me that caffeine is a depressant and undoes the good that serotonin-encouraging drugs do.

By the gallon!!!

And so on Tuesday I went off the stuff. I cut down to a modest cup of home-brew in the mornings...and no more. Practically cold turkey--in keeping with the holiday.

The transition hasn't been as bad as I'd expected: I wake up with a headache, take a couple of Tylenol and then in twenty minutes I'm okay. At some point, the headaches will likely stop.

In the meantime I've discovered faintly-flavored water. Pas si mal, as the French say. Not so bad.

And I'm relieved to discover the ridiculously simple cause of the blues that kept threatening to recur.

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