Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Inspiring New Links?

Yesterday I discovered that two of my favorite bloggers didn't know of each other's marvelous sites, and both of them are on the subject of writing.

So--I'd like to ask you a question. What are some of your other favorite blogs? Or websites. On any subject. Please don't keep these resources a secret.

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billie said...

My favorite blogs include:


Teachings of the Horse

Official Meg Tilly



I think all of these will pop up if you Google them along with the word blog, but if they don't and you want the actual urls, let me know.

I'm on the run so can't type them in right now!

Peggy Payne said...

Good list, Billie. Thanks.

I've been to Murderati and like that. The others are new to me.

Irene Latham said...

One I really like for writers is Wordswimmer. The focus is on writing for children, but it can be applied to any genre. Plus he puts up some really great author interviews. Also, for those trying to get published, Editorial Anonymous. Again, kid lit focused, but tips for anyone sending stuff out to agents/editors. Great resources!

Peggy Payne said...

I'm glad to get these resources with a children's lit perspective. I'm often asked about that area and have no experience there. Good to know where to refer someone.