Tuesday, November 01, 2005

An Oddly Satisfying Day

Bought some gizmos this morning to be able to tape a big-deal interview this afternoon on my cell phone.

Went with one of my brothers to the funeral of my mother's 94 year-old first cousin and had a thoroughly good time visiting with relatives.

Did the big-deal phone interview--with the great-grandniece of the woman whose biography I'm writing. Important because there are almost no relatives alive who know anything about her. Got a lot of good information and leads. I feel like such a sleuth, even more than during my many years writing for newspapers.

Opened the box from UPS containing my new laptop wireless computer. My current elephant of a machine is tottering. Still this is bold: buying new cutting-edge equipment that'll actually do what I need.

Pretty soon: off to my meditation group for the first time in a while.

And all of this without a twinge of hesitation, second-guessing of myself, or procrastination. That's what I mean by satisfying. Not a bad way to live. I'd like to figure out how to make a habit of it.

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