Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Strategy for Today

It's morning and I came into the office tired. I have four appointments (including a haircut) and so, perhaps fortunately, I can't flop onto the carpet. My plan for today is low expectations: do the stuff I've committed myself to and give myself lavish credit for getting anything at all done otherwise.

What I usually find when I do this is that I get perked up by the first person I see, and then find that the combination of that energy with the pleasurably lowered expectations frees up my thinking, allows me in the time available to get a bit more done than usual.


Anonymous said...

Peggy, maybe you should see Nick more than once a year.


Anonymous said...

Peggy, to my earlier response. I didn't check blogger because I don't know if I am one. I didn't want to be anonymous. I checked other and my comment came out "Anonymous said". Sometimes the simplest things are such a puzzle.


Anonymous said...

Very good point about my shrink visits, Scott. Could be you're right.