My husband Bob who turns 64 tomorrow received the unlikely birthday gift of two tickets to Menopause: The Musical, which is now on a many-city national tour.
And what a burst of boldness this show is!
(It may seem an odd present for a man. But it's something any married man should see at some point. Also, Bob's a psychotherapist and deals with menopause issues in his practice.
So we went to this musical. And loved it, both of us.
WHAT AN UPPER!!! it is.
Four women--Iowa Housewife, Soap Star, Power Woman, and Earth Mother-- sing Boomer rock-and-roll songs with the words hilariously changed to such subjects as sex and hot flashes.
Essentially it's about the solidarity between women who are going through the sweaty, tumultuous experience of estrogen loss, who bond with an intensity like men's war friendships.
And it's about "living out loud," being bold. From the writer Emile Zola: "If you ask me what I came to do in this world, I will answer--I CAME HERE TO LIVE OUT LOUD."
Each of the four women gives a fine performance. And when Power Woman, who is rather large, emerges at the end in a slinky little black dress and a lion-sized Tina Turner mane, the result in the crowd is a rush of giddiness, not unlike the moment when a gulp of champagne goes straight to the brainstem.
At the end of the performance, the entire audience was invited to the stage to join in the final kick line.
For anyone wanting to live with more intensity, daring, and authenticity, this is a delightful encouragement. And it's as much fun as any show I've ever seen.
Thanks for the tix, Ruth and Harry and sons.
(Lately this blog has become my thank-you notes. I guess there's nothing wrong with "thank you" writ large.)