Friday, July 15, 2005

Guilt, Revolution

Today is an especially auspicious one for leaping into something important. It's Bastille Day, the French holiday that commemorates the revolution that overthrew the monarchy in that country about 20 years after our own American Revolution.

I woke up this morning feeling oddly guilty from staking myself out pretty boldly yesterday. I'd told the people who are contracting with me to write a new edition of my book DONCASTER: A LEGACY OF PERSONAL STYLE that I felt "ordained" to do this work. Sounds pretty lofty, doesn't it? Well-- I do feel that way. So what's to feel bad about?

Have a wonderful, exciting, and bold Bastille Day.



Anonymous said...

Peggy, I am so glad you included me on your email announcing your website. Congratulations! As a virgin blogger I hope to not leave any hytmenl tags.

Anonymous said...

Ordains root meaning is to "arrange" or "order." Its present usage means to establish, predetermine, predestine, decree, et al (aside from investing a person in the clergy).

I'm not sure you could be classified as arrogant or even lofty. You were meant to write it.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Rebecca, your maiden voyage in diablog is certainly memorable.

Anonymous said...

I've been waiting to be ordained my whole life and there you've up and done it. Congratulations.
