Thursday, December 15, 2005

The Writer's Work Day

Here's a rule of thumb I learned at the Creative Capital seminar for effective organization of a work day for a writer or artist of any other sort.

It's very simple. APPORTION THE HOURS in this way:

Production------ 60%

Administration-- 20%

Promotion------- 20%

This looks like a reasonable plan to me, designed to keep me from spending the whole morning on e-mail. The numbers probably aren't magic, but they seem about right.

So, here's MY PLAN. Tomorrow, Friday, I will track my time all day and see how I actually spend my day.

MY EXPECTATION: I'll be much more productive, spend much more time on my novel and my manuscript consulting than I otherwise would, BECAUSE: I'll know I'm watching. And I don't want to face being unhappy with myself.

I will also report back to you what the day produces. That's A SECOND STRONG INCENTIVE to do right. So, thanks for being in on this with me.


Anonymous said...
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M.E.Martin said...

Hi Peggy. I've read through your blog and am enjoying it. I appreciate your sharing ways of organizing yourself - thoughts, and all. In the interest of new ways to enjoy/express my little pleasures, and learn new techniques, I started a blog too, around Thanksgiving. ( I'll keep visiting yours! and happy new year!