Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Bold and Passionate

Here's an UNUSUALLY BRAVE EXAMPLE of somebody making a leap on behalf of her true purpose. This little tale comes from a cool site called BLOGGER STORIES.

"Nadia Muna Gil stepped off the tried and true path to follow her passion. She left a well-paying job, at a prestigious Wall Street firm, to pursue CHEESE BLOGGING and education full-time. The Cheesaholics Anonymous blog is more than a blog about cheese .. it is also a woman's dream to tell the world about artisan cheesemakers."

Turns out (when I visited her site) that her company also does cheese education events, at least one of which has been featured in The New Yorker. Not bad!


Anonymous said...

I love it - from Wall Street to cheese blogging!

My little bit of boldness for this week happened yesterday morning. After a week off from riding due to Keil Bay's puffy eye (which required 3 different multiple times/day medications) I was scheduled for a riding lesson.

I woke up feeling sore in the shoulders, as though I had borne the weight of the world overnight in my sleep, and was halfway considering giving my riding lesson slot to my son or daughter (or letting them split it).

But whatever ails me, riding is the cure, so I showered and dressed for the lesson, fed the horses breakfast, did barn chores, and got busy grooming Keil Bay. While grooming, I decided to do some visualization, since I was expecting a rough ride for both of us.

Here's the bold part: I visualized myself as an Olympic-calibre dressage rider. :) Within the first 5 minutes of the lesson, my trainer exclaimed, "Wow - he's really carrying himself today, much more balanced," and "Your position is great - you're sitting so deep and tall."

It carried through the entire lesson. I suspect my position was better due to the visualization, and Keil Bay responded to my improved balance with his own.

I'm getting ready to do some work on book stuff using the same concept. Let's hope it works equally well in my little garret as in the riding arena. :)

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm back briefly to report pretty instant response to the bestselling, sought after, well-respected author visualization...

My former agent just emailed thanking me for a nonfiction project I'd sent his way on behalf of a friend - just the sort of email I imagine "the big authors" get all the time. :)

Marching boldly!