Friday, July 14, 2006

Deadline for Perfection

Sunday is the deadline I gave myself to become as physically fit as I can possibly be, or give away any clothes that don't fit -- no more saving them until I get around to being that size.

This may not seem related to bold creativity in art or any other field. But it is.

What I mean by fit, I regret to say, is movie-star perfect muscle tone. Ripped. Never mind that I'm 57 years old.

*it's wasting mental time
*it's a bit perfectionistic, and perfectionism is a notorious hindrance to trying out new ideas, and getting work finished

Probably I should settle for reasonable fitness -- which I already have -- and quit being an idiot about this. But I had an eating disorder in my twenties, and those things die hard.

The main thing going on with me though is not about muscle tone and appearance. It's that I'm having trouble MANAGING MYSELF. I tell myself to jump rope. Then I quit after about ten jumps. This is new. And very unnerving.

I'm not quite sure what to do. My whole being rebels against the idea of giving up.


Anonymous said...

It's hard for me to find a balance between keeping a routine (exercise, healthy diet, etc.) and going with the moment. I know by experience that when it comes to things like yoga, the gym, etc., I do better when I make it a fairly rigid routine and don't allow myself to break it. But at the same time, there are days when the present calls for something different, and there's a lot to be said for following that call.

This morning I am feeling "off" - I pulled a muscle stretching in bed! My plan to ride in the cool of the day is not very intriguing, and I can't quite decide whether I should ride through it, or rest the muscle.

The worst thing, I suppose, is the time I'm spending fretting over the decision, since that is affecting other things, like writing!

Anonymous said...

Sounds like we all agree that it's the waste of mental time and energy that's the problem.

I've taken the pressure off for the moment but getting back to jumping rope every day. It was just easier than listening to my thoughts about not doing it.

Also, I went to see the movie Sticking It, or something like that. It's about gymnasts and was inspiring about both being physically strong and not being a maniac about it.

Anonymous said...

Hi Patricia R, I like your idea, and it sure is bold. I think I might begin by teaching a workshop or class on healing through art. The title would probably need to be more sharply defined than that, but that idea. Also looking into specific approaches in use now by art therapists in mental hospitals.

And, best I can tell, the best way to get traffic to a blog is to get lots of other sites to link to it.

I sure wish you well with all of this.