Friday, September 22, 2006

What Writing Type Are You?

What type of writer should you be? This little quiz is a hoot: as much fun as finding out your sleep number or your Myers-Briggs type. It's also flattering. And encouraging.

I took this test and learned I should be a screenwriter. What I write is novels and nonfiction books and articles, and virtually everything but poetry and the city directory. But I've never sold a screenplay (though I have sold screen rights.)

I wouldn't mind a bit getting a story into the theaters.

BTW, I first ran across this item on the site called Mom and Apple Pie: Serving Fresh Poetry. The link's to the left on my blogroll.

Wonder how Henry James would be profiled by this test! Or Don DeLillo.


Anonymous said...

Screenwriter... then I went back and changed one answer that I had been torn about, and it came out science fiction writer!

Very odd. I can see myself as a screenwriter (although I think ultimately I'd rather be the writer/director) but science fiction? Maybe I have missed my calling...:)

Anonymous said...

Well, I just took the test as Henry James--as I imagine he would take it--and whaddayaknow? He's a screenwriter too.

billie said...

well, we're in good company with henry james!