Friday, November 03, 2006

Yes, You Can!

Around the corner from my office, a church sits up on wood blocks. A bold-thinking downtown developer, Greg Hatem, had it scooped up from its old site and moved to what was a parking lot.

A lot of people might think that a church building stays where it's planted for as long as it exists. And the same with parking lots.

This guy wasn't stopped by that kind of silly assumption. Now he's spiffing the place up to rent, and it's a lovely addition to my leafy old-fashioned neighborhood.

I so admire this move: TO SIMPLY DISCARD THE IDEA THAT SOMETHING CAN'T HAPPEN. The world gets much richer if we step right through the conventional wisdom. In fact, a lot of improbable and amazing things can happen with perseverance, imagination, and looking past the frozen ideas of what's possible.

In it most radical definition, a church embodies a sky's-the-limit view.


Anonymous said...

I like the idea of moving to a place of no barriers. The idea that it can happen seems to be the essence of living. After all, the trees shedding leaves may think they will never releaf, but all the while the bud for spring swells in delight. Gail

Anonymous said...

Nice thought about the leaves.

Another inspiring story of ignoring barriers is in the Raleigh News and Observer this morning.

My sister-in-law Ruth Sheehan wrote a column about Ruth Easterling, the longtime NC legislator who died last week. Easterling began her political career at 60. At 88 she was co-chair of the legislature's Appropriations Committee.

Anonymous said...

Also, my friend Stephanie Bass is working on a biography of Easterling -- as an example of someone who simply leaped over obstacles.

billie said...

Love the leaping image... would like to see the book on Easterling, too, when it comes out. It sounds both interesting and inspiring!
