Sunday, April 06, 2008

All Comparisons Are Odious

I don't know who first said that, but I do think we all suffer from comparisons.

I just visited Debbie Whaley's wonderful blog, Four Angels' Momma . It was such a pleasure and an uplift to be there. After a few minutes, a familiar destructive thought crept in: why am I not writing a warm blog like this, that feels, not sappy, but more like hot chocolate and excellent slippers and a reading chair, even when it's about the beach.

Then I remembered: this is a clear example of why I'm writing this blog as I am. To encourage us each to do our own thing. Me, especially.

I need to write about the sneaking destructive thoughts and how to catch and make friends with them. (This process is for me crucial to the process of writing--grabbing the fleeting creatures and interviewing them.)

So again I say to myself and anyone else interested: the world loses when any of us abandons her/his own dharma and goes to imitating.

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Mamie said...

I would like to invite everyone to visit my blog and afterward post a photo of their closets. Mine is pretty odious and I would love some comparable odiousness.

Thanks for being different, Peggy. Yours is one of my favorite blogs to visit.

Debra said...

Ah Peggy,

We all do, indeed, suffer from comparisons.

You are the type of writer whom I admire. Inspiring, brave, spiritual and very well-written. You motivated me to begin writing in a more serious way, and by doing that I have been able to reach different understandings, some of which I never knew I knew.

What you wrote about me here, is like a salve to my aching soul. I am not a technical writer, but I try very hard to write from my core, and by doing that, I hope to touch others. Knowing that I am able to do that, even a little bit, inspires me to continue trying. Once again, Peggy, you have inspired me to write.

Please don't ever change your way of doing this. You touch people when you present a thought or a quote which you are pondering.

Thank you. I am humbled by your very kind words.


Peggy Payne said...

See, Debbie, your comments are hot chocolate too. Do keep on writing.

And, Mamie, as I said on your blog, you are gutsy to put your closet out into the world, whatever its condition. Maybe we can all wind up feeling that we're "not the only one." I'm glad you're in on the conversation here.

BTW, I still have the photo you posted of red shoes on a shelf in my closet. It's inspiring to have there, even more so than my own red shoes, which I can more easily overlook somehow.

Mamie said...

I like the idea of sexy high heeled red shoes in a photo in my closet. My feet sigh in relief!

Peggy Payne said...

I love those shoes, and they're so exhausting to wear. So I go around in pants and flat shoes most of the time, but at the same time I know that my soul wears a pencil skirt and heels and glides slightly above the ground.