So today getting dressed I discovered that, to avoid the unseemly bare midriff, this sweater needed more than the one button the hip manufacturer provided.
Hidden safety pins didn't work at all.
My cool solution (oh, I'm so pleased) was a couple of pins of the decorative sort.
Campaigners, listen up! I hope you jump on this idea. It's yours at no charge.
These "buttons" are acting as booster rockets to my day.
Any little boldness boosters of your own you'd be willing to pass on?
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An added thought: if you're into playing with clothes, do go visit The Sartorialist at
It's all photos of street style, with much discussion of the combos in the comments. Really fun.
When I pasted the sartorialist address all that showed was Of course I realized in a second or two that it was the end part of the web address and not a hidden link to a pornographic web site.
I like your button idea. Since I quit smoking I need some innovative ideas for adding inches to various seams in my clothes--campaign buttons might be just the thing..
Please check out my new improved closet on my blog.
I tried that address you suggested, Mamie. Very entertaining. Thanks for the tip.
And--amazing transformation on your closet. Looks like you refinished the floor as well.
Well, I never even thought about visiting the site, but will have to check it out now.
As for the closet floor, because it stays covered with stuff, it gets very little traffic....
Things are getting bolder and bolder over here! :)
Like I said, Mamie, it was real nice of you to draw it to our attention. Disco sex underwear was the mildest thing I saw.
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