Thursday, October 16, 2008

Vote Early and with Passion

Early voting has begun. Here's why to VOTE NOW instead of waiting:

*Voter turnout is expected to be larger by magnitudes. If you wait until election day, you may face a multi-hour line at a time when you don't have two hours free to wait. If that happens, your candidate could lose your vote.

*Less confusion on election day is likely to mean less chance of errors and contested results.

*Early voting is quicker for you as a voter.

*Once you've voted, your candidate will spend less of his resources in trying to get your vote.

*Voting is exciting. Why wait? I talked with a Brazilian-born woman this morning who became an American citizen about a year ago. She's about to vote here for the first time, and is thrilled. I like her example. This is no time to take the right to vote for granted.

*Taking immediate action on behalf of your good cause is immensely satisfying, even good for the health. See (once again) The Healing Power of Doing Good by Allan Luks with Peggy Payne.

Here's how: info on your early voting polling places. (This is an Obama-sponsored site, but gives you your sites no matter who your candidate is.)

I'm voting tomorrow, Saturday, in the charming little town of Pittsboro, NC, county seat of rural Chatham. Lot of interesting stuff in that downtown: a store with French/African crafts, an excellent thrift shop, a retro drugstore. I plan to make an event of this outing.

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billie said...

Peggy, don't forget New Horizon Trading Co., the General Store Cafe, and Blue Sky Equestrian! :) The tack shop has some lovely things even if you don't have horses.


Peggy Payne said...

Thanks for this travel advice, Billie. Two of those places I didn't know about, or at least didn't know their names. I'll explore.