Sunday, March 01, 2009

A French Town with a Vivid Imagination

Don't miss the dazzling photos of the Menton Lemon Festival on the blog called Imagine from floral designer Kenju.

It sounds garish, but it's not: a house-sized Taj Mahal made of lemons and oranges, a castle, a towering lemon girl, and more.

I'd never heard of Menton or its lemon festival. And now I must go there. Il faux que j'y aille. (Je pense que c'est pres d'exact.) ). Menton is a beach town in France that has five times won an award for best garden city in that country of the fleur-de-lys. A beach, flowers, citrus fruit, and they speak French. It's now on my list.

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kenju said...

Thanks for the link, Peggy. I am happy to have introduced you to Menton. I'd love to go there as well.

Peggy Payne said...

See you there. I call myself a gardener, but am running behind. Still haven't finished the raking from the fall. (Have barely begun.)