Friday, September 04, 2009

Decisive Action--With an Attitude

It appears that some alien has messed with my email addresses...causing a variety of confusions and miscommunications.

Decisive action was called for: new email address.

I spent the day semi-successfully working at viewing the complications as a "challenge" and an "opportunity." Mentally tiring. But do-able, both the fix and the positive mindset.

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Debra said...

Peggy, I really like the new photo of you! It exudes a very positive and strong energy.

I completely understand about the challenge and the opportunity of trying to fix computer-related issues. We spent a bit of the day trying to get our Internet service to work. It's up right now, but I'm not exactly sure why. I'm sure that it will go back down just as mysteriously.

I posted some pictures of my dad on my blog in your honor!

I hope that all has been well! I am still trying to catch up since the cruise!


Greta said...

Debra said it for me....that photo is you!

Peggy Payne said...

I'm glad y'all like my portrait. It's actually the same picture as before but instead of just using the mug shot, it's the full frame (so to speak.)