Monday, November 02, 2009

Sin Boldly

My Halloween costume:

Photo by husband Bob Dick.

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Mamie said...

You're my hero. I guess it's okay today have a she-devil as a hero, don't you think?!

Peggy Payne said...

I'm still sort of holding my breath over having posted this. I don't know how good a hero a nervous she-devil is. But I'll try to live up to the job.

kenju said...

You look terrific!! (much better than I did, dressed in drag as my husband...LOL)

billie said...

WOW! What a glamourous, beautiful devil you are!

There's a certain bold sparkle in your eyes, too.

Peggy Payne said...

Glad you "dragged" out the costume, Kenju. I dressed as my husband once and he wasn't so happy with it.

Billie, I have this theory that there's a Paris Hilton within us all. Or maybe I'm just making excuses...

Greta said...

I knew you had it in you! You make a beautiful, striking she-devil.

Peggy Payne said...

It's all your fault I did this, Greta.

Anonymous said...

i Sure have problems posting comments here.
seein' u in yr "costume", & particularly yr horns, i 'spec the devil Did walk that nite.
who took the pix?
how's yr husband feel re this All Hallows Eve celebration/rig ? AIKI

Peggy Payne said...

Actually my husband took the picture, Aiki. I'll go back and put his credit line on the post. And while he doesn't usually go for a lot of flash, he was surprisingly pleasantly tolerant of my Halloween celebration this year. I appreciated it.

Debra said...

Okay, I am going to tell you what the first thought that went through my mind was, so here goes...You looked hot! And that is coming from The Angels Momma;)

Great costume!

Peggy Payne said...

Thank you, Angels Momma.