Saturday, December 12, 2009

Boldly Brunching --and at Length

This morning was the Christmas brunch with five other women I've been getting together with for 34 to 39 years. Always fun and this one for no particular reason was particularly so.

This time instead of getting each other bath products, etcetera, we each gave some money to some good cause. Mine was to pay for all school fees and books for a very underprivileged Indian child for a year.

In spite of having co-authored The Healing Power of Doing Good, I'm not naturally a great do-gooder, much more prone to trying to paddle my own canoe without making trouble for anybody. That has changed some since I collaborated on that book. (We teach what we need to learn.)

And I do have a special interest in India, and was so often surrounded and followed by poor kids there, wanting rupees and to know "what is your country." So I can visualize such a child. And I do find it satisfying, far more so than a more generic "good thing" I might have chosen.

My mother arranged for me to sponsor an Indian child at Christmas one year. I liked that, but didn't feel it as directly.

Anyway, the breakfast was fun -- brie crepes for me -- and I already feel the holiday is well celebrated.

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Debra said...

Peggy, what a wonderful thing to do! I love that you and your friends decided to give to each other in a different way, this year. That is lovely.

Peggy Payne said...

We've done this before, but somehow it just seemed to click for all of us this year. Not sure why it was different.

Bryce and Helen Kaye said...

Hi Peggy,

I like your blog! In fact, Helen and I are using it as a model to teach us how to set up our own for Love Odyssey ( Your concept of "Living Boldly" has a unique ring to it but one that resonates with me strongly. Sounds like you have a nice bunch of friends who can keep pushing you to grow ever more daring. Of course that's essential for all of us who want to be creative.

Peggy Payne said...

Welcome, Bryce and Helen. I'm wowed by your Love Odyssey undertaking.

Couples counseling or relationship improvement on a private cruise under sail with a psychologist captain. Great combo! And I'll bet there aren't many who pull these skills together into one package.

Also I love your MARITAL FIRST AID KIT book. I think your approach is both innovative and solid. An excellent kind of bold.