Saturday, January 16, 2010

A Morning with the Ganges

It's Saturday morning and I'm in the midst of leading a workshop called Get Your Ganges On. We're now spending about 15 minutes writing, so this space is where I've turned. The point of the class is to help people draw on their most powerful inner resources in doing their work.

I'm finding it exciting. As always, the teacher has to relearn. And this is a very interesting group. I've heard a couple of new ideas, new work strategies, I want to take home with me.

The exercise we're now doing (or the others are, anyway) is about how each one views their invisible partner in writing, whether it's called God or the unconscious or Higher Power or something else.

I believe in God and what I see is a river: thus the Ganges in the title. This class is sponsored by the Resource Center for Women and Ministry in the South. And there's a fire in the fireplace behind me. I'm going to be interested in what the other folks here have to say.

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kenju said...

Share with us, won't you?

Peggy Payne said...

I will in my next post. (Now mid-afternoon and folks writing again.)

Debra said...

Wish I could be there! Sounds fabulous! Any chance that you could do an online course someday?

Mamie said...

I'll be writing about the day of "getting my Ganges on" tomorrow, after I rest! It was a wonderful day. Thanks, Peggy.

Peggy Payne said...

An online course is a good idea -- and I seem to be slow getting around to it. Thanks, Debbie.

Mamie, thanks for the lovely account of our Ganges get-together on your blog:

Debra said...

I will sign up when you do one!

Peggy Payne said...

Good. Maybe when the current storm over my desk subsides.

Debra said...

Oh Peggy, how I can relate to that storm!

Peggy Payne said...

May your own storm subside soon, Debbie.