Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Problem Solving

Lately I've been feeling indomitable in the matter of solving the kinds of little problems that often I'm tempted to let sit a few days. Like dealing with getting an acknowledgment of purchase for an order I'd just cancelled. Or finding someone to give me a vaccination in the manner that my insurance company requires. All those paperwork-y, this-is-not-what-we-agreed-on, 800-number type things.

And I've rediscovered (for the millionth time) that solving one such problem, even if the outcome isn't ideal, makes the next little project easier.

So I Googled "solving small problems" to see what others had to say. Some results, which I heartily endorse:

"Get control of the office by solving little problems quickly. Don't let little issues now turn into bigger ones later. Tackle them immediately for a sense of control."

"But avoiding them can leave you feeling like you have little control and that just adds to stress. ... Feeling capable of solving little problems builds the inner confidence to move on to life's bigger ones - and it and can serve you well in times of stress."

"Make it a goal to have at least one new idea everyday; this will get you to be more creative. Create your own mathematical or physical problems and try to solve them. Get in the habit of solving little problems all day, for instance finding the quickest way around town...."

Note: I don't need to create any more mathematical or physical problems. I'll bet you also have enough on hand to open up the creative channels and add muscle to your solving ability.

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Debra said...

Do you think your morning and evening meditation has helped you to achieve your problem solving goals? Better focus?

As you can tell, I am fascinated by finding out more about what meditation can do for the body and the soul.


Peggy Payne said...

It's hard to track in any definite way, Debbie. But if I get all in a snarl and then stop and meditate ten minutes, when I go back to the original situation then the way seems clearer. I'm convinced it's a really good thing; though that doesn't always get me to do it.