Tuesday, January 05, 2010

The Power of Announcing a Specific Goal

Welcome to Katrina and good luck on your resolution: 30 pounds off in 80 days. http://trina-80days30lbsisitpossible.blogspot.com/.

I think that your announcing your goal as you have is going to help make it happen. I have no doubt about it: you're going to accomplish this. Keep us up on how it goes.

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Mamie said...

Oh, yes, announcing is very effective. As long as I didn't tell anyone I was going to quit (drinking, smoking) I couldn't disappoint them when I failed. But when I told them? I was accountable. And accountability is the second step toward success for me. The first is motivation. Good luck, Katrina!

Peggy Payne said...

How did you go about making your announcement, Mamie? Did you tell just a person or two, write about it, or tell everybody?

Accessible Renovations Costa Mesa said...

Great readinng your blog post